An amusing (and, if I may, revealing) article by Max Blumenthal here covering the slightly embarrassing CPAC event last weekend. It seems that after calling (or nearly calling) John Edwards a ‘faggot’, Coulter cosied up with former gay porn star and rentboy, Cpl. Matt Sanchez.
There is of course nothing inherently wrong with Sanchez being a gay porn star or a male escort. His past is only notable because he chose to join a movement that exploits anti-gay sentiment for political gain. Coulter’s now-famous “faggot” remark was not an aberration, but rather a symbol of the politics of resentment that propels the conservative movement and its elected Republican surrogates; a reflection of the bigotry conservatives have sought to write into the Constitution through the so-called Federal Marriage Amendment. The ascendant “family values” wing of the right is also responsible for sabotaging legislation allowing homosexuals to serve openly in the armed forces, a maneuver that may now spell the end of Sanchez’s career.
This is yet another story which gives the lie to conservative ‘ownership’ and ‘custody’ of morality. I wouldn’t mind them so much if they didn’t spend half their time slagging people off for doing things they, or their mates, are perfectly happy to indulge in. The point is that no one, left or right, can own morality… but it is conservatives who frequently claim to.
Here you have some other quotes from Ann :-O
Tom, many Republicans, among them Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, are not social conservatives. The Republican Party is actually a coalition of several different factions, including the free marketeers, the deregulation folks, the small government / low tax squad, the foreign policy hawks, the business-as-usual people, patriotic traditionalists, cranky old folks who want to go back to 1910 or whatever–and the social conservatives, who are largely religiously based. Most Republicans fall into several of these categories (I’m a free marketeer and a foreign policy hawk, for example, and also an advocate of small, local government, but definitely not a social conservative), but few fit into all of them.
Each of these factions, along with each of the several factions of the Democratic Party (the unions, the civil rights establishment, government employees, the feminists, the universities, Hollywood, the big-city political machines like Chicago, the greens, the anti-system folks, and the socialists who have no other home)claims to have a monopoly on what the right way to do things is–that is, on morality. Every single political group claims to have morality on its side, always has, and always will.
John, enough of the Politics 101. What do you think about this story? Don’t you agree that it’s telling how often conservatives end up in situations like this which wouldn’t be embarrassing if it weren’t for their self-righteous proclamations on morality – that insane harridan, Coulter in particular.
I have just come across her in an article, she is completely bonkers. Do you think anyone takes any notice of her????!!!!
Steve, no I don’t. But she’s noisy and there are a lot of people who’d go nearly as far as her.